A few more items

Hey folks! Just wanted to give you an eye-full of brief info.

Rachel absolutely LOVES her Amazon Kindle digital book reader! It’s also been a huge hit with whomever she shows it too. I am very impressed by the technology and how it works. If you’re a big reader, I would greatly consider this.

There are 2 days left until this blog turns 1 year old! I still would be thrilled if we got that hit counter to read 4,000 by then. Keep coming back and getting your friends and family to do it too!

I am brainstorming on the next steps for XRT-FM. I am really missing it! I’m happy that I got a break from it and can take a new fresh perspective on it. If I was to put a re-launch date, I would estimate June 1st. Nothing set in stone, but you have to have goals!

I have been removing all references to MFO (meaning Marini Family.org). I have heard some feedback here and there for a while now and decided to change it up. I want this all to be as friendly as possible so we keep tweaking. If you catch any on any of these sites, please let me know!

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but please head to this SITE for a really good laugh. It’s family-safe and if you like kitties, you’ll love this site.

If you would like to participate in the blogging here, please let me know. I can set you up as an author and you can be involved!

That should be it for now. I’ll keep you updated as we go forward. Be good!


Have a laugh, FREE!

I am posting this as a native Washingtonian who has been out of his home-hood for going on 6 years. One of my favorite things about Washington was catching this local late night comedy sketch show, Almost Live! With the likes of John Keister, Pat Cashman, Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and many more, this show was funny, original and unforgettable. As with most good things, this show was canceled. If you live in/around Seattle, you can catch re-runs after Saturday Night Live on channel 5. Without further ado, from Almost Live! in Seattle starring Pat Cashman,  Roscoe’s Oriental Rug Emporium!

[click HERE if you don’t see the video above]

Imagine, all that entertainment, and I didn’t even charge you!


Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother\'s Day!

My List

Folks, I saw this on another blog. I would link it but I can’t find it again. This blogger wrote a list of 100 items about him and his life, his history and some just random stuff. It was pretty impressive. For the record, I am beginning this on May 7th, 2008 at about 1:15pm MST. I write this in because I imagine that it will not be posted for a few days. This is in no real order of importance, just what comes to mind, I will put it down. Here I go…

  1. I love my wife, Rachel
  2. I love my son, Wyatt
  3. I love my family and friends
  4. I am living in Utah
  5. I was in Sacramento for about 4 years
  6. I didn’t much like it there
  7. I was born and raised in the Tacoma, WA area
  8. I WILL live there again
  9. I attended public school
  10. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  11. Yes, I’m a Mormon
  12. (not a polygamist FLDS)
  13. I know Jesus Christ lives and loves us as individuals
  14. I know the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ as is the Bible
  15. I worked at Intel for a little while
  16. I thought I would retire there
  17. My training trip to Costa Rica last year dismissed #16
  18. I loved Costa Rica
  19. I served a two year voluntary full time LDS mission in Jacksonville, FL
  20. I cried when Wyatt was born
  21. I almost passed out from hyperventilating when Wyatt was born
  22. I really enjoy listening to Country Music
  23. I used to be a DJ on a small AM radio station
  24. I used to DJ Church Young Adult Dances
  25. I always dream of being a hot shot DJ on a commercial radio station
  26. My internet radio station, XRT-FM is great, but it’s sleeping now
  27. Although the California State Fair is incredible, I prefer the Puyallup Fair
  28. Fairs in Utah are horrible
  29. I drive an ’04 Nissan Altima
  30. I get to trade it in next March
  31. I love car shopping
  32. Car buying is the pits
  33. I don’t think it should snow in April or May
  34. I love driving
  35. My favorite soda is Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer
  36. My favorite pizza is pepperoni
  37. I was disappointed by Cloverfield
  38. The Princess Bride is my all-time favorite movie
  39. Managing a technical support team is hard but rewarding
  40. I lasted 3 months doing #39 before being laid off
  41. I need Rachel
  42. I only get drowsy while driving if my wife is with me
  43. I work 4 miles from home
  44. Riding my bike to work is still a goal of mine
  45. Wyatt is on a t-ball team this year
  46. Mowing my back yard is hell
  47. I am terrified of bees
  48. I want another child
  49. Almost half way
  50. There!
  51. Wyatt is a natural at T-Ball
  52. Watching 5 and 6 year olds play T-Ball is so much fun
  53. Flowers ALWAYS work
  54. I love my Mom
  55. I miss my Dad
  56. I have Mike Wazowski, Lightning McQueen, an Easy Button, and a Rubik’s Cube on my desk at work
  57. I love a good maple bar
  58. Honey and crunchy peanut butter is an excellent combination
  59. I have Type 2 Diabetes
  60. I’m not always careful with my blood sugar
  61. I am very patriotic
  62. I thought I was done being a help desk agent
  63. My eczema flares up when I’m nervous
  64. I love to walk in the snow with the woman I love
  65. I like to splurge on a good dinner out occasionally
  66. I like a really good basic hamburger (not McD’s)
  67. Fry Sauce needs to go National
  68. Utah McD’s does not sell the regular McChicken
  69. Texas Roadhouse is in the top 3 of my favorite restaurants
  70. I don’t like onions but I like how they taste
  71. I drink the leftover milk after the cereal is gone
  72. I get really addicted to SimCity
  73. I am against pills (see #60)
  74. I can’t deal with too much silence
  75. I trust people by default
  76. I’d like to take Wyatt out fishing
  77. I really like to vacuum (something to do with leaving nice tracks in the carpet)
  78. Not so much the same with mowing the lawn (see #46)
  79. I’m pretty funny
  80. I can get very sarcastic
  81. I LOVE the rain
  82. I want to rock and roll all night
  83. And party every day
  84. I would love to see Garth Brooks in concert
  85. I am naturally a very generous person
  86. I want to lose about 100 pounds
  87. WoW does not interest me
  88. We should get a Wii
  89. Dr. House is my idol
  90. Michael Scott is right up there
  91. O’Doyle Rules!
  92. I Love the 80’s
  93. I still have to look twice when I see a full size billboard by the Interstate for the Salt Lake Temple
  94. I need music to survive
  95. I will miss Deborah
  96. My radio station should be back online shortly
  97. Open Source freaks annoy me
  98. A Mac would be fun
  99. One left
  100. I like bread

Ok. Have at it. If you blog, or wanted something to blog about, try this for starters!


A few items

Hi there. There comes some great benefits from Rachel working at BYU. One really great one is that I can go to school there for free and get 20% off books. I am seriously considering getting back in there now. I am deciding between a Management path or something like Communications so I can be involved with Broadcasting. It has to be undergraduate or it costs.

Another thing is that I love the rain! Being from the great Pacific Northwest, rain was the breath of life. Sure if you live there, you get sick of it.. But deep, deep down, you always love it. I moved to Sacramento, then here to Utah. I will tell you, you really start to miss it. I get the craziest looks from people when I pine for the wet stuff. One of the funniest things I ever heard about people in the Northwest was that they don’t tan, they rust! It’s true. I miss my home in Washington! I miss seeing Mt. Rainier every day that it was clear. I miss my family and old friends. I will make it back there.. oh yes, I will.

Wyatt has his first T-Ball game today. We are so excited for him. I will try to upload some pics and video clips to here or my home page, or both. The one contradiction, I hope it doesn’t rain for the game.

I am working on a very introspective post that I should have up by the end of the week. I’ve seen some bloggers also do this. I don’t want to reveal too much but it should be fun and I will encourage my fellow bloggers to do the same at some point. I also would like to let you know that currently, this blog has about 3,500 hits. The one year birthday is on the 15th of May and I think it would be awesome to get that total up to 4,000 hits by then. Tell all your friends and family about this little blog! Thanks!

Be good, Have a good day and SMILE! 🙂
